Sunday 19 August 2012

First time, ever I saw your face

My Beautiful ... Lion King

First time, ever I saw your face

(line from song written by: Ewen MacColl)

you crept into my dreams that night
and lay yourself down to sleep
as I reach out a hand to touch you
a smile plays across my face, happy
you are there, beside me again

slowly I remembered that you had left me
for another more worldly being
I move to touch you one more time
to check that you are really there

we both awake with a start for now
I realise you should not be there
you jump off the bed and run down the hall
I chase after you wanting to see
who you are and why in my dream

I glance down at where you sit
eyes all big and moonlight lit
I see you sitting there no where to flee
this beautiful vision of cat with mane
you were a premonition of what was to come

that first night I met you
my beautiful...'Lion King'

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